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 14 results in yourPeople - Aftersearch for"Frederic Leighton"Advanced Search
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'Group from The Fresco The Arts of War', after Sir Frederick Leighton, P.R.A.', c1880-83. Creator: A Gilbert.
'The Athlete Wrestling With A Python', after ''Sir Frederick Leighton, P.R.A.', c1880-83. Creator: A Gilbert.
''Pictures of the Year - VI. "The Return of Persephone"; after Sir F Leighton, Bart, PRA', 1891. Creator: Unknown.
''Original study for "Tragic Poetess", after Sir Frederick Leighton, P.R.A.', 1890. Creator: Unknown.
Giovanni Cimabue: design for a mosaic, c1868, (1881).  Creator: Bernard Collier.
'Elijah in the Wilderness', 1877-1878, (c1902).  Creator: Unknown.
'The Last Watch of Hero', 1887, (c1902).  Creator: Unknown.
'Study for the Daphnephoria', c1874-1876 (c1880-1882). Artist: Unknown
Detail from 'The Arts of Industry as Applied to War', 1870-1872 (c1880-1882).Artist: A Gilbert
'Cimabue's Celebrated Madonna is carried in Procession...', 1853-1855 (c1880-1882). Artist: Unknown
Study of a lemon tree, 1899. Artist: Unknown
Study for 'Cimabue's Madonna', 1899. Artist: Unknown
Captain Richard Burton, British explorer, c1880-1882. Artist: Charles Waltner
'The Athlete Wrestling with a Python', c1880-1882. Artist: A Gilbert